What can Reiki do?

Anyone can benefit from a Reiki treatments, no matter what your age or your state of health, and beneficial changes can take place over a fairly short space of time.

Reiki can help with:

  • Deep relaxation

  • Reduced stress & anxiety

  • Boosted energy levels

  • A feeling of inner calm, contentment and serenity

  • A speeding up of the natural healing process

  • Feel more positive, confident and better able to cope

  • Deal better with stressful people and difficult situations

  • Develop a strong sense of purpose and clear-thinking

  • Remove some of the ‘clutter’ from your life

  • Enjoy a better quality of life


What might I feel?

Deep relaxation, warmth, perhaps tingling, a feeling of floating or sinking, or perhaps nothing at all. It varies a lot from one person to another. But no matter what you feel during your treatment, Reiki is giving you what you need.